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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

And We Bring the Light

OMG, talking about shocking, this episode was by far the most intense of the whole series..I said series, not season, the whole series. True when John had his heart attack it was a huge of cliffhanger and how or if he was going to survive, but this one with Regina almost shooting Daphne, the Kennish family almost being arrested and, of course, Angelo being in a car accident was just too much for our fan hearts to handle in 1 miserable hour.

For the whole week there were the questions of who was on the gurney and who would be shot, although there were no shootings but the gurney was a little too unexpected for many people. In reality, there were many speculations that Angelo would lose all his money on the restaurant, so the fact that it was being foreclosed is not that surprising, but how is a restaurant foreclosed even before open, that is a heck of a fast process in MO, I guess.

Anyway, let’s talk about the plots. Daphne stressing about SAT is no surprise, many teen looking to go to college would be the same nerve wreck like she was, but the best of it is that even in the bad situation she was able to find the bright side of it. It brought her closer to her father and the discovery that he is indeed a great guy and very carrying dad. Different from John but still a wonderful person and protective of his loved ones.

Toby and his new view of life also helped Bay see her own misery on another direction. After learning that she was not accepted at Pratt (the art school where she wanted to go), she tried to hide her sadness during family dinner but Toby, knowing his little sister too well, noticed that something was wrong and knowing the real reason, he was able to bring the light back in her eyes, even if that meant to do some illegal street art again. I have to say I was really hoping for Ax or Hammer Girl to be back, but the replica of the lights of Iceland was also cool, and a lot less illegal than we though. Bay story was not only how we can learn from bad experiences and live on, as the Kennishes help Bay to lift up her mood, she learns that everyone can fail on something, but the failing is just part of the process, how you handle it and what comes out of it is what will make you who you are and push you to where you want to be. You can see this message as well on the Angelo and Daphne story, when we see Angelo thinks he is a failure, he still takes it to the bright side to help Daphne, when Daphne realizes that just because he is making the best of his “failure” he became the best as being a father and bringing the family together

However, there was another point on the whole Bay failure story that was as sweet and powerful as the previous one I just mentioned, and it actually repeated the point of the last week’s episode. The point is how important a family (or group of friends) support is for every person. We all live surrounded by people that can pull us down or up depending on the “energy” they send to us. Bay was really with the energy low but the family that loves her surely was there for her to bring her energy up high again. How would Bay react about her failure of not going to Pratt if she hadn’t got the amazing family around her to help her see the bright side of life? Everyone can make good things out of bad experiences on their own, but sometimes it is hard and having the family around to help is always a plus. If you remember last week’s story was about self identity and how the family upbringing can influence the person’s character and identity, on this episode, we see again how the family support can and will change a person’s behavior and reveal the true family/friend love.

The part of Regina learning about political corruption was not really much into character on my view. It seems, of course, that Wes is into Regina and her influence in his life is affecting his business, maybe for better maybe for worse. If he is truly falling for Regina, the Angelo accident will be the point where Regina will have the choice to find out who she is and what she wants, if he is not, then we may see that Wes can still have a great business doing things the right way. What just confused me the most on that part of the episode was the fact that Regina was not aware of the corruption that goes around in every business. Her being a business woman her entire adulthood she never came across any shady business or client or boss? Not really believable about that part. Yes, we understand that the political way is a bit different than just a client or supplier kick-back but is not that surprising the way it was showing on the episode.

As a big fan of the Deaf part of the show, I really missed the ASL scenes, but I was really happy to se Angelo improving really fast. What also amazed me was that the whole episode was done in 1 day only. I don’t mean filming it, but the story, starting in the afternoon when Regina was learning how to shoot and Toby arriving from Iceland and finishing on that same day really late at night when Angelo got into the car accident, or better yet, arriving at the hospital. There was no passing of time, no change of clothes from the characters. From the 1st episode until this one, I do not recall any other being done in 1 day only like this one, the closest I can think of was on Season 2 episode 15 (Ecce Mono) that the whole story was a dream and was dreamed in 1 night, but during the dream there were several days going by.

So back to the intense or tense part of the episode, the whole vandalism scaring Regina is starting to get out of hands when she almost shot her own daughter. Angelo was right to think she should stop with the project as she is living in fear and putting people in danger, especially Daphne. What was amazed to see how Daphne was just static looking at the gun pointing at her, did she freeze? It didn’t look like it, it actually looked like she was very cool with it and not afraid at all. Come on, someone, I don’t care who is, if it is your mom and you know she will not shoot you on purpose, point a gun at your face and you just stare at it? What if her fingers get cramps or slip and pull the trigger? If someone point a gun at your face, either you really freeze or you just run out of the way or duck, something, but don’t stare at it, unless you are Bruce Willis playing John Maclane in Die Hard 6 or something.

Kathryn playing the artist agent so they wouldn’t get arrested was a plus to see. The all righteous and well behave lady of the house now became the street savy that basically saved the day, or the night, with her way and her creativity of lying to the officer and get them out of the problem.

As for Angelo, it looks pretty bad for his side, but I’m no nurse or doctor to say, I just was not expecting that they would take the oxygen mask out of his face right way if he is in critical condition, but it was definitely necessary for us , the audience, to see who it was on the bed. Nothing in life is perfect and of course, fantasy TV is not either, it is fantasy and entertainment, one of a darn good entertainment. I wouldn’t spend 1 minute writing about it if I wasn’t happy with what they bring to us, it just some times the flaws are so obvious that is hard not the think about it. We’ll see what will happen to Angelo next week.

So, here it is, make sure to see the bright side of the dark side. Failing is just a process to get to success, how you handle your failures is how you will build your character and the people around you to the final destination of your life. See around you how many people had failed and how many times they failed before they got what they wanted. We know Lizzy Weiss herself had many failed ideas until she finally hit the jackpot with Switched at Birth, and thank GOD she just handled her failures so well and kept living on until she got to succeed, so now we all can enjoy this amazing show!!

Here it the promo for episode 16 (next monday)

Time to re-watch last Monday's episode. If you do not have ABCFamily app or dvr or hulu or iTunes, you can try this link:http://www.zzstream.li/2014/07/switched-at-birth-s3-e15-and-we-bring-the-light.html We do NOT endorse or support the website or its content and strongly advise you to get your ABCFamily app or register with a secure website endorsed by ABC Channel.

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