A part of:

Monday, August 25, 2014

Interview with BK Cannon (Marybeth) (w/translations)

BK Cannon

Twitter: @CannonBK

1. What do you like most on your role in SAB? 
I love MB's sense of humor. It's very similar to mine and the writers give me a lot to work with.

2.  What was the biggest challenge you had working at SAB? (either character or personal challenge)
Sim-Com or talking and signing at the same time. I don't speak while signing in real life, but in the show we speak for accessibility.

3. What was the first sign you learned?  
"Funny". Ryan Lane taught me that the first day we worked together. He's a great teacher.

4. What was the first sign you learned? 
"Hangout". Something about the hand movement and the wiggly fingers, I just like it! Also one of the first I learned.

5. What are your plans for the future?
Continue to learn about and appreciate ASL and Deaf Culture. Continue rocking it with MB on the show. And hopefully work, work, work!

Bonus: As a Bay & Emmett Fan page, would you like to say anything for our followers, Bemmett shippers and SAB fans in general?
As far as Bay and Emmett, I would say that they have a tough road ahead of them, but fans are gonna love the ride they take with them!

1. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta de su papel en la SAB?
Me encanta el sentido del humor de MB. Es muy similar al mío y los escritores me dan mucho con que trabajar.

2. ¿Cuál fue el mayor desafío al que había que trabaja en SAB? (Ya sea de carácter o reto personal)
Sim-Com o hablando y senalando al mismo tiempo. Yo no hablo mientras senalo en la vida real, pero en el espectáculo hablablamos la accesibilidad.

3. ¿Cuál fue la primera señal de que has aprendido?
"Divertido". Ryan Lane me enseñó en el primer día que trabajamos juntos. Él es un gran maestro.

4. ¿Cuál fue la primera señal de que has aprendido?
"Pasar un rato". Algo sobre el movimiento de las manos y los dedos saltones, en fin me gusta! También uno de los primeros que aprendí.

5. ¿Cuáles son tus planes para el futuro?
Continuar a conocer y apreciar ASL y la cultura sorda. Continuar haciendo un éxito con MB en el show. Y espero trabajar, trabajar y trabajar!

Bonus: Como página de Bay y Emmett Fan, ¿te gustaría decir algo a nuestros seguidores, cargadores Bemmett y ventiladores de SAB en general?
En cuanto a la bahía y Emmett, yo diría que tienen un duro camino por delante de ellos, pero los fans les va a encantar el viaje se llevan con ellos!
1. O que você gosta mais no seu papel na SAB?
Eu amo senso de humor de MB. É muito parecido com o meu e os escritores me dar muito o que trabalhar.

2. Qual foi o maior desafio que você teve trabalho em SAB? (Caractere ou desafio pessoal)
SIM-Com ou falar e assinar ao mesmo tempo. Eu não falo ao assinar na vida real, mas no show falamos de acessibilidade.

3. Qual foi o primeiro sinal de que você aprendeu?
"Engraçado". Ryan Lane, ensinou-me que o primeiro dia em que trabalhamos juntos. Ele é um grande professor.

4. Qual foi o primeiro sinal de que você aprendeu?
"Sair para curtir”. Algo sobre o movimento da mão e os dedos wiggly, eu gosto! Também uma das primeiras que aprendi.

5. Quais são seus planos para o futuro?
Continue a conhecer e apreciar ASL e cultura surda. Continue arrasando com MB no show. E espero que o trabalho, trabalho, trabalho!

Bônus: Como uma página de Bay & Fan Emmett, você gostaria de dizer alguma coisa para os nossos seguidores, carregadores Bemmett e fãs SAB em geral?
Quanto Bay e Emmett, eu diria que eles têm um caminho difícil pela frente, mas os fãs vão adorar o passeio eles levam com eles!

1-Qu'aimes tu le plus de ton rôle dans SAB?
J'aime beaucoup le sens de l'humour de MB. Il est très similaire au mien et les écrivains me donnent beaucoup de quoi travailler avec.

2- Quelle a était la chose la plus difficile pour toi en travaillant sur SAB? (soit en dans ton rôle ou personnellement?)
Sim-Com ou parler et signer en même temps. Je ne parle pas en même temps que je signe d'habitude, mais dans la série on parle afin de rendre celle-ci plus accessible à tous. 

3- Quel a était le premier signe que tu as appris?
"Drôle". Ryan Lane me l'a appris le premier jour où l'on a travaillé ensemble. Il est un très bon prof.

4- Quel est ton signe préferé?
"Passer du temps ensemble". Il y a quelque chose avec le mouvement des mains et la manière dont les doigts bougent que j'aime beaucoup! C'est aussi l'un des premiers signes que j'ai appris.

5- Quels sont tes projets pour l'avenir?
Continuer à apprendre et apprécier la culture sourde et le langue des signes américains. Continuer à rocker la série, avec le rôle de MB. Et bien sûr en espérant continuer à travailler, travailler, travailler.

Bonus (Réponds si tu peux): En tant que fan de la page Bay & Emmett, veux tu dire quelque chose pour ceux qui nous suivent, les amoureux de Bemmett et/ou les fans de SAB en général?
En ce qui concerne Bay et Emmett ils auront une route parsemée de difficultés à venir, mais les fans vont adorer la route qu'ils vont prendre avec eux!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

And Life Begins Right Away

Twist is too small of a word to define the huge cliffhanger left in the end of the season finale episode. There were many sweet moments and, unless your heart is made of stone, you must have cried at some point during the 42 minutes of this incredible story.

To be honest, my favorite moment, and the sweetest part of the episode was when Travis’ mother went to the graduation ceremony and start signing. It was not just her coming, she is a mother, she could just show up for the ceremony, or she could just reach out to him after it, since she has been absent from his life for the past whole year, and tell him all as she usually had done until then, but the fact that she not only shows up and feels proud that her son graduated, she also came with the big news of learning sign language for him. It is sad that took her 18 years for her to get to it, but it is always better late than never.

Very, and I mean VERY emotional part of the episode, when John, the whole almighty, can do it all, can fix it all, felt how little and powerless he is when he had to let his daughters make their own decisions in their life. There is nothing he could do to protect Daphne from getting arrested, there is nothing he can do to make sure Bay won’t have an aneurysm and stop her from moving to LA with Emmett. That was so intense that made him the last of the main cast to cry on screen. In the past 3 years, John hasn’t cry on any scene being the strongest rock of the whole family of characters, but now who knows how he will feel when he finds out that Bay took the bullet for Daphne’s future.

It was really no surprise that Wes had a “thing” for Regina, but that he was going to make a move that soon after Angelo’s death was not expected. After all he is a very serious business man, he should know better, but it is nice to see that Regina has a good prospective future. It was also not expected that Regina seems to have some feelings for Wes too. After all, she was so in love with Angelo for her whole adult life, I surely didn’t expect her to move on that fast. I’m not saying she doesn’t have to move on, Angelo is dead, he won’t come back, so eventually, yes, I expect her to do so, but not within just a few months after it. Yes, she stopped Wes, but it did reveal she was not upset or completely astonish for such a move from him.

Maybe it is just me, but it is starting to look like Melody and Bay have much in common. Like before we mentioned that Angelo and Emmett were much alike for their behaviors, their liking, their personality, the same is starting to appear to Bay and Melody. Both Melody and Bay are strong women, they think positively, they have high hopes for their new lives, they want to help others more than themselves. It was too bad that Angelo and Emmett didn’t get to know each other, but I, particularly, am hoping that we get to see Melody and Bay hanging out more often.

Everyone was so happy with Daphne’s decision to turn herself in and face the consequences of her actions. We all learn from our mistakes if we can stand up for it and move on, but since she actually did not, I keep wondering, what will she learn now? Not that I wanted to see Daphne behind bars, and being so in love with freedom like I am, I can see any day in prison is a big punishment especially for a 18 year old who has all the energy and passion to live life at its fullest, but then again, in the case of Daphne, a real punishment could have been a great way to teach her the real gift that life is. On her speech at Carlton, she gave us a notion that she might know now that what she did would cost her, her life, her career choice and her happiness. When you are this young, you think everything is over if you make one mistake, well, news flash..it is not. Many, many, many times the show has presented us a variety of solutions for any problem and obstacles, and I really don’t see why Daphne couldn’t get punished and still live on, learn from her mistakes and grow up with it. Instead, she violated the law once again by lying to a police officer, and letting Bay take her place, for what? Did she think about Bay’s life as Bay was thinking of hers? Did she even consider Emmett feelings like she was discussing with Bay before she lied? All that “decisions” that Daphne made regarding Bay’s decision served, to me, to show that she really didn’t lean a thing. The choice of having Bay taking the blame for Daphne’s mistake is something I’m really looking forward to see the reason behind it. Obviously, it shows us how good a real family relationship can be when you sacrifice your own life for someone you love, the family you love. It is about family unity, about what a real family, no matter how they are, blood related or not, it is real feelings for each other that makes a person be a member of a real family.

Funny how every season finale ends with something about crime or law related scenes. Season 1, was the court on the law suit against the hospital who made the mistake and switched the girls, season 2 was about Daphne going to trial for blackmailing Chip Coto and now season 3 is Bay being filed as a criminal for vandalism at a police station. Who is next? Toby will go crazy and be arrested for stealing dj equipment or selling pirate copies of CDs? Let’s see what comes next on season 4. The thing that calmed me the most was a tweet from creator Lizzy Weiss that said they had planned different endings for the scene (I just want to assume, that means for the series as well)  but since they found out that there will be a season 4, the cliffhanger of Bay going to jail(or so it appears to be) was the choice for a better continuation of the series for the next season.

The questions everyone is asking, what will happen to Bay? Or even what will happen to Bemmett? It was no surprise that Emmett wouldn’t go to LA by himself, he is going because of Bay, she wanted him to go and she promised many times that she would be with him. He said from the beginning that he wasn’t thinking on going because the school is very expensive, not only that, it is a hearing school. As much as he is now comfortable for being around hearing people, he knows as much as his mom said, it is really hard for Deaf students to follow the classes, maybe he would have to pay extra to get an interpreter for every class. His first choice was always Gallaudet and the Bledsoe family tradition, but Bay wanted to go to USC, that is where he will go. Now with Bay being in trouble with the law, will he still go to USC without her like she thinks she can convince him? If he goes, how is the Bemmett relationship going to stand? Better ask, will Emmett understand and be on Bay’s side for what she did? He has always been on her side, but now we are talking about changing his life completely upside down, all his plans and expectation are going to be ruined. I’m not saying there is no solution, he can still be able to go to Gallaudet, the show didn’t presented any situation if he can or not change his plans to even stay on the Gallaudet Satellite program Melody is creating so he can stay with Bay, but that just mean, again, his plans are ruined, he will have to make new plans no matter what that will be. How much more he has to be out of Bay’s life? She just keeps making decisions and hurting him without thinking of his feelings, it happened when she decided to go on a dinner with Tank, the dress for the prom that she could have texted him and let him know ahead what her plans were, the risk of aneurysm that, so far, seems to be a secret to Emmett as well and now this. As much as I like Bay being the “helper” for everyone and thinking of others before herself, I really think Bay is being selfish in regards to Emmett. A relationship should be more than just wanting to be together, but sharing all the good and bad moments with the partner, that includes also discussing about decisions and ideas, especially major ones like the aneurysm and now “going to jail for my sister” one. From what we saw on screen, it was not really showing that Emmett even knew about Daphne being arrested and facing real imprisonment, again, he is left out of what is happening in Bay’s life or family. How much longer he will just swallow all this and keep quiet for the sake of keeping Bay? To be honest, I really am hoping that Bay really grows up and sees how much pain she is causing him, how immature she is being (“relationship wise”) and changes for a better union with him, a real one, like the one J&K have. Maybe the arrest will open her eyes, somehow, to it, so she can realize that her thoughtless actions and words can cost her, her only and true love before she loses it (or him). We are still rooting for a great Bemmett relationship, with a happy ending, with a marriage and a beautiful bemmett baby (or babies if Bay does become pregnant of twins).

And Life Begins Right Away shows us the end of a chapter and the beginning of a brand new one. I would not be surprise if season 4 comes back in a flash forward mode when the kids are grown up after college and starting a new job and career. Not that don’t want to see what will be the out come of the situation they are now, but to refresh everyone with brand new stories and situations, I particularly think a flash forward would be a great way to come back clean and refreshed from all the drama. Graduation represents the close of a phase in life and the beginning of a new one, college, job, prison, whatever you can think of a new beginning will be for the characters as we all know, life doesn’t stop it can only change depending on the situation you are in and the decisions you make, just make sure whatever you decide, whatever turn you make is what you really want to do or believe is the best for you. You are the only one who will have to live with it, either as a mistake or as the right thing to do, have no regrets, again, we learn with mistakes and no mistake is ever the end of the world to anyone, it is just life giving you an opportunity to begin living again.

Once again, thank you Lizzy Weiss for such an inspiring and life lesson episode!

Here it the promo for episode 22 (Christmas Special - December)

Time to re-watch last Monday's episode. If you do not have ABCFamily app or dvr or hulu or iTunes, you can try this link: http://www.zzstream.li/2014/08/switched-at-birth-s3-e21-and-life-begins-right-away.html We do NOT endorse or support the website or its content and strongly advise you to get your ABCFamily app or register with a secure website endorsed by ABC Channel.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Girl On The Cliff

The Girl On The Cliff should be called “Girl who fell in the cliff” because no one was hanging on the edge of any cliff during the episode, they were already going down in it. From what I could see, the stories around Daphne and Bay were just to illustrate the 2 main characters handling difficult situations they found themselves already into.

So let’s review: Emmett’s prom invitation was sweet, and I surely didn’t think Emmett was so good in art crafts to make such a nice paper flower, but let’s be serious; the ear plugs were a lot better idea and much nicer way to invite Bay to the prom. It is a little shocking that they are still doing things in secret from each other. Emmett did a campaign to be elected Prom King & Queen without Bay’s knowledge or even approval and Bay decided to make a stand for her friend calling Marybeth, Natalie and Hillary about her plan but she didn’t include Emmett on it until he went to pick her up for the prom. It is not clear if Travis knew it before or Marybeth told him, but obviously Emmett was the last one to know about her plan, but the boy is so good to her or so in love with her that he just stood by her side and supported her on whatever her plan was.

Bay was already in the situation to fight for what is right and not people decide what other should be just to fit in. As she mentioned, she was always feeling like an outsider, which sounded to me, she was always on the cliff, falling, now it was time for her to get out of it, and not let people try to change her or make her feel bad for being herself. She was not making a stand just for her friend but for herself, as if she finally could accept who she was, love her for that and be strong enough to show the world how beautiful her real being is. She doesn’t need permission or approval from anyone to be who she is and she would show that to the world. As Regina said, best line of the episode for me, “the best leaders lead by example” and surely enough, that was what Bay did. As prom queen, she led her “servant” to a better “life”, a prom with no rules of discrimination, a true royal decision, always must think about what is best for the people.

As Daphne goes, she was preparing her bed for a big fall or her big cliff, and she was falling high. We all understand that pain and the lost of a loved one can make us lose it..especially a teen, but nothing in the world justify criminality. In the beginning of the series, Daphne was the good girl that was always loved by everyone and always smiling, I remember how Bay hated her for it. Well, now she is still loved by everyone and all still want her to be happy and they all are still on her side, no matter how bad she has fallen, but she is far from being the good girl. The personality on the characters had switched, Bay is the good one now while Daphne became a criminal. Vandalism, stealing, using drugs, fighting..that is a real long fall. However the good part on this episode was not that she was caught but that she admitted her fault. She lost her job for doing what is right for once, she told the truth, but that one bad thing really got her to the bottom where there were no more way to fall even more, so the only thing she could do is to climb back up, and so she did. She told Regina the truth as well and she made peace with herself about Angelo, about the switch, about her anger against Regina.

A couple of things I particularly liked was that, even though Daphne was in pain with her memories of Angelo, especially after seeing the guy who had an accident, she still decided not to take the pills to ease her pain. That part was scary, some people though she was going to commit suicide, some thought she was going to get addicted to drugs but thank goodness, neither happened. The Toby and Tank bromance was also a nice storyline. Both came into senses after their small fight and it seems that their friendship/roommate situation is heading to become a great one. People are different and we all need to respect each other no matter what different opinion we have. It has been always known, that this blog is focused on mainly Bay and Emmett romance, but that doesn’t mean we can’t respect the other fans that also like Bay and Tank or Bay and Ty, or any other one. This is my opinion, and I’m sure, not every reader will agree with me 100%, but we all agree that since I am one person and I am different from everyone else, as we all are different from every body else, my opinion is also different from many of the readers. That said, Toby’s opinion about someone or a job doesn’t necessary needs to be the same as Tank and that is what Tank also realize.

I want to make a pause here to comment on John, director DW Moffett, who by coincidence also plays John, made John appear even more real than ever. To my knowledge, John is a very realistic man, but when comes to his daughters, especially Daphne, he tries to or choose to not see the real problem she is in. Acting naturally from John point of view, Daphne would be OK if she just change her focus to the future instead of keeping it in the past, that made him disregards Kathryn opinion again, which makes me scare if he will go back to be the lame one Kathryn was tired of, but on the same time he was also a bit boldly to curse on a teen series. Maybe it is just me, but I was not expecting that language on that type of show, even being rated PG14. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t be that surprise and even expecting it on a crime or action show or movie, just not on a teen show like that.  And as I’m talking about DW performance, let me make a statement for DW as a director, one of the best ever! I wish we can see more of his directorial episodes on season 4! The scene when the kids try to get in the prom was one of the best camera angles, face expression, timing, and please, oh, please, whatever he said to Sean Berdy on how to act on that scene, it just worked perfectly! Sean talking and the way he looked at Vanessa with so much sorrow and trying to make up for the last prom fiasco was getting into my heart and I could almost cry. Another great scene was the outside prom when Matthew arrived. Needless to say I love Sean acting, but Daniel Durant is right there too! No wonder he is doing good on his acting career, Daniel can deliver some of the best scenes I’ve seen on SAB! I particularly was never that amazed by Wes character, and to be honest, his scenes didn’t say much either on this episode, but I need to point out that the beauty of the shot of when Wes and Regina were fighting because she told him Daphne was involved in the vandalism of the East Riverside project was so intense. Let’s just say, great directing!!

Another “Hats Off” to costume designer Courtney Stern! This episode was the most fashioned episode I can remember. Bay’s dress was trending, and for a good reason! Bay’s dress was so pretty, I really felt bad for Emmett for not seeing it (well, at least until what we saw on screen, who knows how the private viewing went) On a tradition break of how important it is for the girl to be dressed up for the prom, and everyone expecting her to show up ready and pretty, Bay’s suit was also very fashionable, and so was all the other characters in suits. Natalie’s white tux was so charming, and let’s not forget a very modern LGTB background extra wearing a tux with a pink high heels. That was kind of funny, but great for the story and statement they wanted to give. Not so trending fashioned was Toby’s toga, but for sure, it may have taken a great deal of creativity for the great Courney to get that done. Another small detail I noticed, Bay’s high heels were so high that she was almost Emmett’s tall. In comparison to episode 12 where she had to be on the top of her toes to be able to hug Emmett, we could really see now she had a good height with the shoes’ help.

And since we are talking about production and some “technical” things, I really would like to comment that Natalie does sign fast. Stephanie Nogueras has given us an interview previously where she mentioned that she signs fast and it is hard for her to slow down when acting. Well, in this one we could see what she meant.

So, back to the story; Bay and Daphne are bouncing back from the bottom of their own cliff. Better than anyone, Bay stand for what is right affected more than just her persona and her own relationship with Emmett, but touched the lives of her friends and family, including Toby who ended up realizing how good a friend can be. Mr Z and his debate about the rules was quiet after enough said from all of the kids, especially Emmett trying to protect Bay from that awkward situation. Bay and Emmett ended up so in tune that only a look could tell they knew what each other was thinking..outside prom. That was priceless.

The messages I got were two, one is that people should be free to be as they want to be, dress, behave, love whatever or whoever they want. The other was that when you are down and there is no more way to fall, the only way you can go is up again. Bad things happen for a reason, whether is the person’s fault or not, just take it as an opportunity to change and look into the bright side. Look ahead what can be good and forget of what it was bad in the past.

Here it the promo for episode 21 (next monday)

Time to re-watch last Monday's episode. If you do not have ABCFamily app or dvr or hulu or iTunes, you can try this link: http://www.zzstream.li/2014/08/switched-at-birth-s3-e20-girl-on-the-cliff.html We do NOT endorse or support the website or its content and strongly advise you to get your ABCFamily app or register with a secure website endorsed by ABC Channel.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

You Will Not Scape

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, this episode was hyper extra super intense for the character Bay, finding out alone if she has any sign of aneurysm, meeting Mandy/Jennifer and knowing that she could have feelings for Emmett (if she was the real Mandy, maybe now they would be together), jealousy strikes in and concerns about Emmett’s future makes her fight Emmett, Daphne craziness gets her to the point of a small physical confrontation with Daphne as well, all of it until she finally clears her head of all the problems and get to solutions where she decides to follow Emmett and his passion. For Bemmett fans, who doesn’t want to see Bay and Emmett tying the knots and having the happily ever after ending? But, let’s face it..it is Bay, she always thinks she needs to follow her guys, first she transfer to Carlton to be close to Emmett (deny all you want, Emmett was the reason she transfer there), then she wanted to go to art school in Berlin to stay with Ty and now she is willing to move to California and live with Emmett while he goes to film school at USC. The good thing is that Los Angeles does have a LOT of art schools, she may find herself, her inspiration, her passion again while there.

Very opposite of her, Daphne doesn’t let any guy push her over or make any decision based on someone else’s life. At this point, she is all..me, me, me. How she wants, when she wants, where she wants. I was impressed that just a text would “command” Nacho to go to the park where she was and bring beer. However she got a little bit of reality when he shows up with his (assumed) girlfriend and just made her realize the world does not turn around her. Take that, plus the fact that Travis, who once was so into her, rejected her while riding the Ferry Wheels and Bay giving her the, so deserved, truth on her face, she exploded. Thanks to Sharee for being such a good friend and take her home, but her advice on how to handle “crazy” moms were not really fitting for Daphne’s situation, but Daphne took it anyway. Regina is not out of her mind and she hadn’t changed a thing, except that she is way much calmer than when series began. The Regina from Season 1 was strong, impulsive and would not back out from a fight, even with Daphne, but Regina today is just letting everyone turn the wheels of her life, especially Daphne. But Daphne problem doesn’t seem to be with Angelo’s death, yes it was what trigged the whole attitude problem but the real feeling inside Daphne was really revealed on the last scene, we are back to the principles of the series, the SWITCH AT BIRTH trauma.

Well, let’s see, to ease up the whole intense part of both girls story, we had a very funny Kathryn and Regina mingling with the NYC writers in a book party. Who would have thought that Kathryn had her wild side when she was younger? Judging by the regular housewife life we see her living with John, it came by surprise that she wouldn’t even remember a guy she had a “crazy adventure” with and especially after meeting him again at the party.

Another, bitter sweet and funny moment was meeting the real Mandy, well…Jennifer. She was so sweet and so nice to Bay that really gave Bay an even better reason to be concerned and jealous about her. In my opinion, she delivered the line that all the Team Emmett would like to see accomplished on the show: “I hope he finds someone who deserves him”. It surely made Bay question if she was that someone. We see so much of Bay not caring for Emmett that much or just taking him for granted. Their relationship now is great, solid and stronger than ever, but that doesn’t mean it can’t break into parts again if one of them doesn’t care about it anymore and just think about him or her self. They are a couple and as such they should think of each other’s feelings, life and ideals before making a decision, discuss matters together and commit to each other to make it last forever. That is what made Bay decide to put his life and feelings before hers. She kept her scare about her health situation so, not only Emmett, but her whole family wouldn’t have to worry about it, she left the park thinking that she needs to let him go now so he could live his life and find another love because she didn’t know if she would live long enough to be with him and she didn’t want to see him suffering for her if anything was wrong and that is also why, when she did find out that she was ok, she decided that she should go with him, to commit to their relationship, to stay together and to be true to her feelings, to be the one he deserves. I just hope, she does tell him why she was worried and “lost it” on him, he also deserves to know the reason why she lost it. Well, now she knows how Ty felt when he left to Afghanistan not knowing if he would ever come back. He did, in a very wicked way, let her go so she could find another person who deserves her and who she could stay with for the rest of her life. The show already told us 3 times that Bay loves Emmett, even though many times it is hard to believe that by the way she treats him, but the eye contact, the energy and chemistry between them is always there, so even if Ty had stayed, we may have seen them breaking up and Bay going back to Emmett, you can only avoid true love for some time, not forever. But that’s how Ty saw it for Bay’s future with him, to let her go, and that’s how Bay saw it for Emmett too. To be honest, the last scene was making me think that she really wanted to break up with him so he would move on and live his life and pursuit his career, until I was extremely surprise with the fact that she wanted to go with him.

After all the drama, what we can think of this episode titled “You Will Not Escape”, is that no one can erase the past and eventually it will come back to you, even if it is only in your memory. Sharee has her past on her memory, the mother she remembers and wishes she had again. Regina too, she had the memory of when she met Angelo and how wild she was. As for Kathryn, her past met her in person many years later and made her remember the wild woman inside her. The problem is, she is committed to her husband and all the wildness now had to be faked out to get rid of her past 1 night stand (or 1 train ride stand). Travis past hit him on his idea of how his future would be, but instead of looking forward, he was looking back and thought his present was just a dream he was living in. He decided to quit school to live the life he was expecting to get in the past, but thanks to Melody who brought him back to present and a better future.

Now Daphne has been trying to discover who she was back when she was living in East Rierside. She tried to use Nacho to live her wild side, until Nacho gave her the real taste of what was like to be with guys like him. She discovers that she does not belong to that life style, but what we see is that she wants to blame Regina based on Angelo’s death. No, I see beyond it, in her mind, she just don’t want to belong to Regina’s heritage because she still blames Regina for not switching her back to her bio parents with whom she has no past memories with.

Emmett’s past, is not from a long time ago, but it is still a past of how he would feel when meeting the real Mandy. Committed to Bay, he couldn’t feel anything but relieved that he has really seen that she is not real to him anymore.

And as for Bay, her past caught her on her fear about her family past health history; it was not a memory that was hidden inside her head but a real past that she never knew she had to face. But she also had a small memory past that hit her too, how she remembers Emmett feelings for Mandy. When Mandy was talking to her about wishing she was real, Bay remembered how she felt while listening to Emmett talking about her and that was obvious the trigger for Bay jealousy and ultimately lying that Emmett was not there.

As I said, you can erase the past, we all had to deal with it, the only thing we can do is learn from it and change it to fit your life now, make it better.

A few extra points I liked on the show was Regina’s donation to Melody initiative to help the Deaf kids to go to college was great, I wish everybody would do the same, helping people is the most rewarding act of a human being. I think I speak for the majority of the Switched at Birth fans that Bay said it all..we are ALL getting tired of Daphne’s anger. It is always a delight to see Emmett’s sense of humor with Melody. Sean Berdy and Marlee Matlin could play part as an android in some sci-fi movie or something, they did a great job!! Always like Melody aka Mama Bear taking care of Emmett, and now I like even more that she is just the same as a real mother for Travis too. I mentioned many times that is always so nice to hear the Deaf actors talking, it makes the moments so special, and this episode I’ll give a THANK YOU to Stephanie Nogueras for making the moment special, Natalie short “let’s go” with her voice was super cool! I just wished that we could have seen Bay and Emmett on a ride; they were getting out of the paddling boat right before Bay saw Daphne with Nacho. That would have been a cute moment.

As a production observance, I LOVED Bay’s clothes this episode, every single piece and combination was so nice and fit so well with her. Daphne and Mandy styles were similar and equally amazing too. Not forgetting to mention Kathryn and Regina party dresses, talk about sexy.!! I was surprise to see Melody with a rundown jeans though. She is always in style, but I never thought that would get to her type of style. A regular jeans yes, not a rundown one, but still very much pretty as always. On a small note, has anyone ever noticed the blond older woman (not old, just not a kid from school) background extra that literally appears on every take shot on Carlton? If you see on this episode alone, she was the one taking copies of Travis student Id, then she passed behind Daphne when she met Travis on the hallway, she was also passing behind Bay when she was Talking to Emmett about the weird morning and she was passing behind Sharee and Natalie when they ere planning the ditch day. That is only on this episode, check out the others, she is always there, I think the producers should give her a line and a real character name, by now she may be as important as Bay and Daphne and she may have more screen time than the regulars..LOL..I’m just joking. I also wonder if it was really Vanessa or a stunt when Daphne pushed Bay, because if it was a stunt the cut on the editing was awesome

Here it the promo for episode 20 (next monday)

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