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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

And Life Begins Right Away

Twist is too small of a word to define the huge cliffhanger left in the end of the season finale episode. There were many sweet moments and, unless your heart is made of stone, you must have cried at some point during the 42 minutes of this incredible story.

To be honest, my favorite moment, and the sweetest part of the episode was when Travis’ mother went to the graduation ceremony and start signing. It was not just her coming, she is a mother, she could just show up for the ceremony, or she could just reach out to him after it, since she has been absent from his life for the past whole year, and tell him all as she usually had done until then, but the fact that she not only shows up and feels proud that her son graduated, she also came with the big news of learning sign language for him. It is sad that took her 18 years for her to get to it, but it is always better late than never.

Very, and I mean VERY emotional part of the episode, when John, the whole almighty, can do it all, can fix it all, felt how little and powerless he is when he had to let his daughters make their own decisions in their life. There is nothing he could do to protect Daphne from getting arrested, there is nothing he can do to make sure Bay won’t have an aneurysm and stop her from moving to LA with Emmett. That was so intense that made him the last of the main cast to cry on screen. In the past 3 years, John hasn’t cry on any scene being the strongest rock of the whole family of characters, but now who knows how he will feel when he finds out that Bay took the bullet for Daphne’s future.

It was really no surprise that Wes had a “thing” for Regina, but that he was going to make a move that soon after Angelo’s death was not expected. After all he is a very serious business man, he should know better, but it is nice to see that Regina has a good prospective future. It was also not expected that Regina seems to have some feelings for Wes too. After all, she was so in love with Angelo for her whole adult life, I surely didn’t expect her to move on that fast. I’m not saying she doesn’t have to move on, Angelo is dead, he won’t come back, so eventually, yes, I expect her to do so, but not within just a few months after it. Yes, she stopped Wes, but it did reveal she was not upset or completely astonish for such a move from him.

Maybe it is just me, but it is starting to look like Melody and Bay have much in common. Like before we mentioned that Angelo and Emmett were much alike for their behaviors, their liking, their personality, the same is starting to appear to Bay and Melody. Both Melody and Bay are strong women, they think positively, they have high hopes for their new lives, they want to help others more than themselves. It was too bad that Angelo and Emmett didn’t get to know each other, but I, particularly, am hoping that we get to see Melody and Bay hanging out more often.

Everyone was so happy with Daphne’s decision to turn herself in and face the consequences of her actions. We all learn from our mistakes if we can stand up for it and move on, but since she actually did not, I keep wondering, what will she learn now? Not that I wanted to see Daphne behind bars, and being so in love with freedom like I am, I can see any day in prison is a big punishment especially for a 18 year old who has all the energy and passion to live life at its fullest, but then again, in the case of Daphne, a real punishment could have been a great way to teach her the real gift that life is. On her speech at Carlton, she gave us a notion that she might know now that what she did would cost her, her life, her career choice and her happiness. When you are this young, you think everything is over if you make one mistake, well, news flash..it is not. Many, many, many times the show has presented us a variety of solutions for any problem and obstacles, and I really don’t see why Daphne couldn’t get punished and still live on, learn from her mistakes and grow up with it. Instead, she violated the law once again by lying to a police officer, and letting Bay take her place, for what? Did she think about Bay’s life as Bay was thinking of hers? Did she even consider Emmett feelings like she was discussing with Bay before she lied? All that “decisions” that Daphne made regarding Bay’s decision served, to me, to show that she really didn’t lean a thing. The choice of having Bay taking the blame for Daphne’s mistake is something I’m really looking forward to see the reason behind it. Obviously, it shows us how good a real family relationship can be when you sacrifice your own life for someone you love, the family you love. It is about family unity, about what a real family, no matter how they are, blood related or not, it is real feelings for each other that makes a person be a member of a real family.

Funny how every season finale ends with something about crime or law related scenes. Season 1, was the court on the law suit against the hospital who made the mistake and switched the girls, season 2 was about Daphne going to trial for blackmailing Chip Coto and now season 3 is Bay being filed as a criminal for vandalism at a police station. Who is next? Toby will go crazy and be arrested for stealing dj equipment or selling pirate copies of CDs? Let’s see what comes next on season 4. The thing that calmed me the most was a tweet from creator Lizzy Weiss that said they had planned different endings for the scene (I just want to assume, that means for the series as well)  but since they found out that there will be a season 4, the cliffhanger of Bay going to jail(or so it appears to be) was the choice for a better continuation of the series for the next season.

The questions everyone is asking, what will happen to Bay? Or even what will happen to Bemmett? It was no surprise that Emmett wouldn’t go to LA by himself, he is going because of Bay, she wanted him to go and she promised many times that she would be with him. He said from the beginning that he wasn’t thinking on going because the school is very expensive, not only that, it is a hearing school. As much as he is now comfortable for being around hearing people, he knows as much as his mom said, it is really hard for Deaf students to follow the classes, maybe he would have to pay extra to get an interpreter for every class. His first choice was always Gallaudet and the Bledsoe family tradition, but Bay wanted to go to USC, that is where he will go. Now with Bay being in trouble with the law, will he still go to USC without her like she thinks she can convince him? If he goes, how is the Bemmett relationship going to stand? Better ask, will Emmett understand and be on Bay’s side for what she did? He has always been on her side, but now we are talking about changing his life completely upside down, all his plans and expectation are going to be ruined. I’m not saying there is no solution, he can still be able to go to Gallaudet, the show didn’t presented any situation if he can or not change his plans to even stay on the Gallaudet Satellite program Melody is creating so he can stay with Bay, but that just mean, again, his plans are ruined, he will have to make new plans no matter what that will be. How much more he has to be out of Bay’s life? She just keeps making decisions and hurting him without thinking of his feelings, it happened when she decided to go on a dinner with Tank, the dress for the prom that she could have texted him and let him know ahead what her plans were, the risk of aneurysm that, so far, seems to be a secret to Emmett as well and now this. As much as I like Bay being the “helper” for everyone and thinking of others before herself, I really think Bay is being selfish in regards to Emmett. A relationship should be more than just wanting to be together, but sharing all the good and bad moments with the partner, that includes also discussing about decisions and ideas, especially major ones like the aneurysm and now “going to jail for my sister” one. From what we saw on screen, it was not really showing that Emmett even knew about Daphne being arrested and facing real imprisonment, again, he is left out of what is happening in Bay’s life or family. How much longer he will just swallow all this and keep quiet for the sake of keeping Bay? To be honest, I really am hoping that Bay really grows up and sees how much pain she is causing him, how immature she is being (“relationship wise”) and changes for a better union with him, a real one, like the one J&K have. Maybe the arrest will open her eyes, somehow, to it, so she can realize that her thoughtless actions and words can cost her, her only and true love before she loses it (or him). We are still rooting for a great Bemmett relationship, with a happy ending, with a marriage and a beautiful bemmett baby (or babies if Bay does become pregnant of twins).

And Life Begins Right Away shows us the end of a chapter and the beginning of a brand new one. I would not be surprise if season 4 comes back in a flash forward mode when the kids are grown up after college and starting a new job and career. Not that don’t want to see what will be the out come of the situation they are now, but to refresh everyone with brand new stories and situations, I particularly think a flash forward would be a great way to come back clean and refreshed from all the drama. Graduation represents the close of a phase in life and the beginning of a new one, college, job, prison, whatever you can think of a new beginning will be for the characters as we all know, life doesn’t stop it can only change depending on the situation you are in and the decisions you make, just make sure whatever you decide, whatever turn you make is what you really want to do or believe is the best for you. You are the only one who will have to live with it, either as a mistake or as the right thing to do, have no regrets, again, we learn with mistakes and no mistake is ever the end of the world to anyone, it is just life giving you an opportunity to begin living again.

Once again, thank you Lizzy Weiss for such an inspiring and life lesson episode!

Here it the promo for episode 22 (Christmas Special - December)

Time to re-watch last Monday's episode. If you do not have ABCFamily app or dvr or hulu or iTunes, you can try this link: http://www.zzstream.li/2014/08/switched-at-birth-s3-e21-and-life-begins-right-away.html We do NOT endorse or support the website or its content and strongly advise you to get your ABCFamily app or register with a secure website endorsed by ABC Channel.

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