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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chef Jeff..a character or an actor?

Chef Jeff

Something that compel me to write about this character was the posture he took the whole time during the show. Have you ever go to an acting class and hear one of the 1st mistake an actor can do is to cross his arms during his speech? Well, ok, depending on the scene and if the situation calls for, we understand that, some of the best actors in the world cross their arms at some point in some scenes..but really I never saw one that act fully at the same posture the whole time. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating..there were some scenes specially with Daphne that he would do other things as the scene call for, but in my vast experience working in restaurants I never seen any of the head chefs just stand there crossed arms while talking with his employees, most of them, if not all of them, would talk and work at the same time, pointing, tasting, overlooking, but never just standing. Yes, it is TV and the actor needs to deliver his line, but it was really annoying to see the same posture, crossing arms over and over and over again, scene after scene.

We can say..well, maybe it was a way to show his way of being shut from the rest of the world to his employees as a body language..HELLO, there are other ways to do that without making an annoying stillness of the character, keeping the distance, talking sideways(while working) could have been a variation of his action interchanging with the crossing arms posture..as I always says, too much of anything gets annoying..I'm sure if your ex or even your current significant other starts texting you 300 times a day you will get really annoyed and mad, or if you listen to the same music looping over the whole day long, at some point you will want to throw the damn stereo/cd out, don't you? For me, watching him crossing his arms and act like he has full power over everything even though he really didn't know about them as if everything around him was done by magic because he didn't really need to be watching over for 4 episodes or more(honestly I don't remember now), it was pretty annoying. 
I don't even want to start talking about dating a HS girl..I'll get there on another post.
Switched at Birth is my favourite show since FRIENDS was cancelled/finished, but sometimes some actors and some scenes really bothers me. I will write more about them later.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Briana Lane casted as recurring role!

Briana Lane was cast for a recurring role in Switched at Birth. The official twitter account for Justice & Poder, the same company that represents Calease (Principal Rose) and Max(Tank) just tweeted that she got booked for the part!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

SAB Shooting on location TODAY!

SAB Shooting on location TODAY!

We found a twitter from a Santa Clarita resident that mentioned that SAB trailers are still camping on the parking lot by College of the Canyon is Santa Clarita where they were shooting until late yesterday.

It seems like they may be shooting some Carlton scenes today as well!!

Lucky the college students who get to see the action from the front row seat :-)

Principal Rose and Tank back on set!

Principal Rose and Tank back on set!

A twitter account confirmed that Carlease Burke and Max Adler will be shooting another episode of SAB. Yes, they are recurring roles, but it seems that they are hired on an episode by episode basis.

If we find more information we will post it here for all of you.

Stay connected!

Writers/Directors board is ready for first 5 Episodes of Season 3

Writers/Directors board is ready for first 5 Episodes of Season 3

Creator and Executive Producer, Lizzy Weiss, announced the board of writers and directors for the 1st half of Season 3A

Episode 1:Title: Drowning Girl - Airs: 01/13/14 - Writer: Lizzy Weiss - Director: Hayman

Episode 2:Title: Your Body is a Battleground - Airs: 01/20/14 - Writer: Fiveash & Stoteraux - Director: Leah Thompson
Episode 3:Title: Fountain - Airs: 01/27/14 - Writer: Gregory & Coli - Director: Arkush
Episode 4:Title: It Hurts to Wait With Love If... - Airs: 02/03/14 - Writer: Gase & Robles - Director: Mayron
Episode 5:Title: TBD - Airs: 02/10/14 - Writer: Brunsteter - Director: Fuentes