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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

You Will Not Scape

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, this episode was hyper extra super intense for the character Bay, finding out alone if she has any sign of aneurysm, meeting Mandy/Jennifer and knowing that she could have feelings for Emmett (if she was the real Mandy, maybe now they would be together), jealousy strikes in and concerns about Emmett’s future makes her fight Emmett, Daphne craziness gets her to the point of a small physical confrontation with Daphne as well, all of it until she finally clears her head of all the problems and get to solutions where she decides to follow Emmett and his passion. For Bemmett fans, who doesn’t want to see Bay and Emmett tying the knots and having the happily ever after ending? But, let’s face it..it is Bay, she always thinks she needs to follow her guys, first she transfer to Carlton to be close to Emmett (deny all you want, Emmett was the reason she transfer there), then she wanted to go to art school in Berlin to stay with Ty and now she is willing to move to California and live with Emmett while he goes to film school at USC. The good thing is that Los Angeles does have a LOT of art schools, she may find herself, her inspiration, her passion again while there.

Very opposite of her, Daphne doesn’t let any guy push her over or make any decision based on someone else’s life. At this point, she is all..me, me, me. How she wants, when she wants, where she wants. I was impressed that just a text would “command” Nacho to go to the park where she was and bring beer. However she got a little bit of reality when he shows up with his (assumed) girlfriend and just made her realize the world does not turn around her. Take that, plus the fact that Travis, who once was so into her, rejected her while riding the Ferry Wheels and Bay giving her the, so deserved, truth on her face, she exploded. Thanks to Sharee for being such a good friend and take her home, but her advice on how to handle “crazy” moms were not really fitting for Daphne’s situation, but Daphne took it anyway. Regina is not out of her mind and she hadn’t changed a thing, except that she is way much calmer than when series began. The Regina from Season 1 was strong, impulsive and would not back out from a fight, even with Daphne, but Regina today is just letting everyone turn the wheels of her life, especially Daphne. But Daphne problem doesn’t seem to be with Angelo’s death, yes it was what trigged the whole attitude problem but the real feeling inside Daphne was really revealed on the last scene, we are back to the principles of the series, the SWITCH AT BIRTH trauma.

Well, let’s see, to ease up the whole intense part of both girls story, we had a very funny Kathryn and Regina mingling with the NYC writers in a book party. Who would have thought that Kathryn had her wild side when she was younger? Judging by the regular housewife life we see her living with John, it came by surprise that she wouldn’t even remember a guy she had a “crazy adventure” with and especially after meeting him again at the party.

Another, bitter sweet and funny moment was meeting the real Mandy, well…Jennifer. She was so sweet and so nice to Bay that really gave Bay an even better reason to be concerned and jealous about her. In my opinion, she delivered the line that all the Team Emmett would like to see accomplished on the show: “I hope he finds someone who deserves him”. It surely made Bay question if she was that someone. We see so much of Bay not caring for Emmett that much or just taking him for granted. Their relationship now is great, solid and stronger than ever, but that doesn’t mean it can’t break into parts again if one of them doesn’t care about it anymore and just think about him or her self. They are a couple and as such they should think of each other’s feelings, life and ideals before making a decision, discuss matters together and commit to each other to make it last forever. That is what made Bay decide to put his life and feelings before hers. She kept her scare about her health situation so, not only Emmett, but her whole family wouldn’t have to worry about it, she left the park thinking that she needs to let him go now so he could live his life and find another love because she didn’t know if she would live long enough to be with him and she didn’t want to see him suffering for her if anything was wrong and that is also why, when she did find out that she was ok, she decided that she should go with him, to commit to their relationship, to stay together and to be true to her feelings, to be the one he deserves. I just hope, she does tell him why she was worried and “lost it” on him, he also deserves to know the reason why she lost it. Well, now she knows how Ty felt when he left to Afghanistan not knowing if he would ever come back. He did, in a very wicked way, let her go so she could find another person who deserves her and who she could stay with for the rest of her life. The show already told us 3 times that Bay loves Emmett, even though many times it is hard to believe that by the way she treats him, but the eye contact, the energy and chemistry between them is always there, so even if Ty had stayed, we may have seen them breaking up and Bay going back to Emmett, you can only avoid true love for some time, not forever. But that’s how Ty saw it for Bay’s future with him, to let her go, and that’s how Bay saw it for Emmett too. To be honest, the last scene was making me think that she really wanted to break up with him so he would move on and live his life and pursuit his career, until I was extremely surprise with the fact that she wanted to go with him.

After all the drama, what we can think of this episode titled “You Will Not Escape”, is that no one can erase the past and eventually it will come back to you, even if it is only in your memory. Sharee has her past on her memory, the mother she remembers and wishes she had again. Regina too, she had the memory of when she met Angelo and how wild she was. As for Kathryn, her past met her in person many years later and made her remember the wild woman inside her. The problem is, she is committed to her husband and all the wildness now had to be faked out to get rid of her past 1 night stand (or 1 train ride stand). Travis past hit him on his idea of how his future would be, but instead of looking forward, he was looking back and thought his present was just a dream he was living in. He decided to quit school to live the life he was expecting to get in the past, but thanks to Melody who brought him back to present and a better future.

Now Daphne has been trying to discover who she was back when she was living in East Rierside. She tried to use Nacho to live her wild side, until Nacho gave her the real taste of what was like to be with guys like him. She discovers that she does not belong to that life style, but what we see is that she wants to blame Regina based on Angelo’s death. No, I see beyond it, in her mind, she just don’t want to belong to Regina’s heritage because she still blames Regina for not switching her back to her bio parents with whom she has no past memories with.

Emmett’s past, is not from a long time ago, but it is still a past of how he would feel when meeting the real Mandy. Committed to Bay, he couldn’t feel anything but relieved that he has really seen that she is not real to him anymore.

And as for Bay, her past caught her on her fear about her family past health history; it was not a memory that was hidden inside her head but a real past that she never knew she had to face. But she also had a small memory past that hit her too, how she remembers Emmett feelings for Mandy. When Mandy was talking to her about wishing she was real, Bay remembered how she felt while listening to Emmett talking about her and that was obvious the trigger for Bay jealousy and ultimately lying that Emmett was not there.

As I said, you can erase the past, we all had to deal with it, the only thing we can do is learn from it and change it to fit your life now, make it better.

A few extra points I liked on the show was Regina’s donation to Melody initiative to help the Deaf kids to go to college was great, I wish everybody would do the same, helping people is the most rewarding act of a human being. I think I speak for the majority of the Switched at Birth fans that Bay said it all..we are ALL getting tired of Daphne’s anger. It is always a delight to see Emmett’s sense of humor with Melody. Sean Berdy and Marlee Matlin could play part as an android in some sci-fi movie or something, they did a great job!! Always like Melody aka Mama Bear taking care of Emmett, and now I like even more that she is just the same as a real mother for Travis too. I mentioned many times that is always so nice to hear the Deaf actors talking, it makes the moments so special, and this episode I’ll give a THANK YOU to Stephanie Nogueras for making the moment special, Natalie short “let’s go” with her voice was super cool! I just wished that we could have seen Bay and Emmett on a ride; they were getting out of the paddling boat right before Bay saw Daphne with Nacho. That would have been a cute moment.

As a production observance, I LOVED Bay’s clothes this episode, every single piece and combination was so nice and fit so well with her. Daphne and Mandy styles were similar and equally amazing too. Not forgetting to mention Kathryn and Regina party dresses, talk about sexy.!! I was surprise to see Melody with a rundown jeans though. She is always in style, but I never thought that would get to her type of style. A regular jeans yes, not a rundown one, but still very much pretty as always. On a small note, has anyone ever noticed the blond older woman (not old, just not a kid from school) background extra that literally appears on every take shot on Carlton? If you see on this episode alone, she was the one taking copies of Travis student Id, then she passed behind Daphne when she met Travis on the hallway, she was also passing behind Bay when she was Talking to Emmett about the weird morning and she was passing behind Sharee and Natalie when they ere planning the ditch day. That is only on this episode, check out the others, she is always there, I think the producers should give her a line and a real character name, by now she may be as important as Bay and Daphne and she may have more screen time than the regulars..LOL..I’m just joking. I also wonder if it was really Vanessa or a stunt when Daphne pushed Bay, because if it was a stunt the cut on the editing was awesome

Here it the promo for episode 20 (next monday)

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