Well, well, well..They finally did it. SAB has just aired
the most touching, reasoning and self improving episode of all 3 seasons. It
didn’t matter which couple you “shipped”, there were enough emotional scenes of
al kinds in this episode. It was amazing!!
SAB writers and producers are expanding more and more their
diversity and now bringing Jorge into place just made us, viewers, having to
watch with more attention to what is coming forward. We saw, once, Angelo
talking in Italian, and of course, the show 2nd language that is
shown constantly ASL, both of which the majority of viewers have to stop and actually
watch the screen to catch the subtitles, now SAB is throwing 2 Hispanic
characters, though only Jorge is speaking Spanish for the 2nd time, makes
us wondering how much more of this whole latin beat will be coming our way.
That seems to be a very bold move since we know some viewers are not happy for
the ASL scenes because they just can’t watch the TV during the show, they
prefer to just listen to it while doing something else. I personally don’t
agree with it..come on people, this is called entertainment, you are suppose to
watch it and pay attention to it so you can be entertained, not be multi
tasking while the show is on..so if you miss something about the story, don’t
complain, it is just your fault for not paying attention when you are suppose
One of the best point of this episode was how much Daphne’s
character has learned and grown with all that happened to her last season.
Making the decision to not hurt someone else, even though it was all she
wanted, was a very mature attitude. Some grown ups should practice this too.
She was brave and strong to resist the “hotness”.
Did anyone miss Toby? Even though we love Toby’s character
and his participation on the show, this episode has made it clear that Toby is
not that essential to the story of the show, just like Melody (who we haven’t
seen since episode 1). But the lack of Toby made me wonder why? Wouldn’t he be
present during the scenes at the car wash? Or even be the first one that John
would call to help with the motorcycle? That was a little out of place there.
Talking about John and the motorcycle, I don’t know how crazy middle age crisis
can be, but John certainly was cute with it. As we say, he pulled the Emmett
style even though he had that big attitude against Emmett having a motorcycle
and taking both Daphne and Bay around on it. While Daphne was acting mature,
John had completely lost it.
One thing I personally didn’t understand and, I may say,
many other viewers too, how did Bay tell
Daphne she was cheated on 3 times but then tells Tank that he and Emmett are
the only ones who know what happened? Sorry writers, that was a bit out of the
So Bay had finally her change of heart back to Emmett.
Sorry, this part of the show is way too difficult for me to say how much I was
touched by bemmett scenes. I’ve seen all the episodes many times; sometimes I
think I’m crazy why I am watching it again? But as I started, this episode was
by far the most emotional episode of SAB out of the whole 55 of them, and
mainly because of the bemmett story shown here. Yes, bemmett is my favorite
couple, but this is not the point I want to make on this small review.
Throughout 2 whole years and almost 2 full seasons all we see is how much
Emmett is sorry about his mistake and how much he loves Bay so that he would do
anything for her. He did so much that Bay ended up forgiving him and became
friends with him again in such good terms that every time she has any type of
problem he has always been the 1st one she ran to talk about. If you
remember on episode 13 of season 2, Bay complained with Toby that he was not
talking to her about things but they always had talked about everything to each
other..well, that relationship with Toby, her own brother who she shared her
problems with for almost 16 years, was also diminished in comparison with her
friendship with Emmett. Emmett was there for her when she had problems with her
dad about her street art, with Regina about her alcoholism, with Natalie about
her picking on Bay for her being hearing, with Daphne about her not supporting
Bay’s attitude to talk to the reporter when they were fighting for Carlton to
stay opened, with Noah about his feelings for Daphne, with Toby about her
concerns with him marrying so young, with Zarra about her trying to run off to
Mexico, with Angelo about him having a baby with Lana and of course with Ty
about him (supposedly) cheating on her. Through all these problems
Bay had the security of him being
always present in her life but once she found out about him moving on she
freaked of jealousy, why? Why can she move on but he can’t? Bay has been a
self-centered, spoiled brat since she broke up with Emmett. All she has done to
him was taking..taking his time, his friendship, his love, his heart..and in
exchange all she offered was her forgiveness but not her forgetting. Poor
Emmett just took what she could offer and waited as long as he could for her to
forget about his mistake and through all the times that Bay used his love to
talk about her problems and her affairs, no one else was hurt but Emmett
himself. Regardless if you are a man or woman, there is just so much you can
keep within yourself and just so much you can hold on to. Emmett reached his
point, it was obvious that Bay would never forget and it was time for him to
move on with his life. It didn’t mean he had stopped loving her, it just meant
he had to try live his life for himself and not for her. Their scenes in this
episode were about growing up, moving on, making choices, starting fresh,
taking chances. Even with an online (not real) girlfriend Emmett was still
looking up for Bay and her feelings as usual, keeping it to himself and trying
his best to not hurt her even though she hurt him every time she talked about
Ty. He didn’t want to take the risk for her to feel the same way that he felt
when she did talk about Ty if he talk to her about Mandy, although he thought
it was not going to affect her since she had moved on, he didn’t take the risk
anyway to protect her from being hurt..much different from what Ty, did in my
opinion Ty just hurt her on purpose and was not looking out for her feelings. Three
main things happened here, one was that Bay seems to finally understand how
Emmett feels about her and the whole situation between them. God, there is no
way someone in reality wouldn’t understand that after that amazing speech from
Emmett performed even more amazingly great by Sean Berdy. As I mentioned before,
I saw plenty of SAB episodes many times but in this episode Sean Berdy just
excel in his range of performing art above and beyond stardom, his tearing eyes
still makes me cry every time I watch his scenes. It was interesting also to
see how good Vanessa Marano was on an ASL discussion. For a hearing that has
not such an extended practice on sign language, it was definitely an amazing
job that she did. But back to the characters, not always the reality does get
portrayed on the screen, so I believe that Bay did understand Emmett now, but I
would wait to see more before I could assure such statement.
The 2nd thing we see about bemmett is that Emmett
is clearly not really over Bay and seemed to continue wanting to kiss her and get back with her, but he
can’t until he knows for sure that Bay will not have his mistake hanging over
him forever. That shows how mature he is. He lives in the present and knows how
to live his life. But we also see that Bay has finally discovered how great of
a guy Emmett is. From what it can be, Bay may even be thinking that maybe one
day they may have a chance to be together again, she seems to have showed that
idea when she responded his question on what she wanted him to do about her by
kissing him. But again, all is too early to predict or assure.
The 3rd thing we see is that apparently Bay is actually growing up and moving on..and with that I mean, she is letting go of the past, either to get a chance with Emmett or just stop suffering for Ty, whatever the reason is, we need to thank Emmett for opening up her eyes and actually break through her soul and make her change her attitude. People can’t live in the past, life is short and the future is what we have to look for. Past is past, is not coming back and can not and should not interfere in your future. Once Bay realized that she will live happier (with or without Emmett or Ty). It is not the first time this message is was thrown in the show, Toby had his break through when Nikki told him about her father’s death. That was when Toby decided to forgive Emmett about Simone. Now we have Bay breaking through into her new future which is full of promising adventure, beauty and real romance, and most importantly in this blog page, she seemed to have told Emmett what she was doing and what she expects of them from now on.
On a directional level, it was a litle frustrated to see most of the shots not showing the beautiful hands choreography of sign language and specially on the last scene of Bay and Emmett the amount of extra crossing in front of the camera while Bay signs as too distracting resulting in an continuity mistake where on blue haired girl cross Emmett in one shot and then we see her again still standing behind Bay on the following shot.We understand is break time in school but was it really necessary to have them crossing in front of the main chatacters instead if behind?
In the overall I need to applaud the writers (Linda Gase and Henry Robles), director (Melanie Mayron) and, of course, the producer/creator (Lizzy Weiss) for the best episode ever (in my humble opinion). Thank you for the crew as well, with out them no show can or will go on :-)
In one off note, off screen personal note, this Mandy looks
a little like Sean Berdy’s real girlfriend
Episode 5 Promo Video
Time to re-watch last night episode. If you do not have abcfamily app or dvr or hulu, you can try this link: http://tv-series.me/switched-at-birth-s3e4-it-hurts-to-wait-with-love-if-love-is-somewhere-else/ We do NOT endorse or support the website or its content and strongly advise you to get your abcfamily app or register with a secure website endorsed by ABC Channel.
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