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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Have You Really The Courage?

This episode was more, of what I would call, a plot moving episode. Why? Most of the new plots and story lines were already set on the previous few episodes and in this one we see some of them unfolding.

No way to hide, I really like Renzo’s character, always lighting up with positive attitudes. He sets real refreshing moments throughout the full drama story. He is the kind of friend everyone should have. I’m not talking about sexual preference, but in the sense of the positive vibe, full of life and the brightest sense of humor. He is the type of friend that would never let his friends feeling down for any reason whatsoever, who wouldn't like a friend that makes you feel special no matter your problems are or how rejected you feel???

Bay and her constant change of heart is really starting to become annoying. Since premiere we see her all moony for Ty and confiding with Emmett and Tank until Emmett told her about his new online girlfriend. Enough said, she continues trusting her friendship with Tank who is very sweet to listen and give her dating advices. Now, it is understood that a guy wouldn't be interested in listening to a girl complaining about her past boyfriends unless he had some interest in her, but it is not understandable why would Tank fall for Bay knowing how she feels about other 2 guys. It is clear that he is a sweet guy and although the stereotype says the opposite, he seems to be very sensitive and a little romantic, to pull a “Go Bay” cheering group out of his college friends. The stakes are high now for a pairing between the two of them but that will just mean that, once again, her heart is way too fast to heal..well, so far it wasn’t, so what would have made her character change so much? All the heartbreaking relationship? The fact that she is not a “vegetable” anymore? A different kind of friendship? The expectation to move to another state and far from the family? Whatever it was, as far as we can see, Bay is different character right now but that doesn't mean that the writers are making her that way on purpose or for the sake of the new plots…we will have to see a little bit more into the series to come up with a better understanding of who Bay is now. All we know is that she is not the 16 year-old artistic dreamer full of ideals, strong feelings and rebel to the world surrounding her.

One of the things that this show cannot say is that, it is cliché or monotone..it is amazing the amount of diversity stories and issues it throws on the viewers. Thinking that last week we talked about language diversity, we have to give the hat’s off award for the amount of people’s issues and life problems it presents to us. It moved from the Deaf community insight to paraplegic (spinal problems) struggles, to racial prejudice, to mental illness. I’m thrilled to see what else they will “teach” us about the people that surround us in the world that we may not even know about or just never noticed.

The only problem with so many diversity it that there is a downside on this whole new show with so many different people and situations which makes the beauty of the ASL starting to disappear more and more from the screen. There were no deaf kid interaction but when Bay and Daphne talked about Tank, and Marlee Matlin, one of my favorite guest star, hasn't been on the show since episode 1 and to make things worse, now even Bay will reduce her signing due to her hand accident. The show was great on season 1 even though only Sean Berdy and Marlee Matlin were the real deaf characters but just the exposure of the community gave it the tremendous outcome. Why would the producers and writers change the winning formula? It is just a question.

As mentioned in the beginning, this episode moved the plots forward but can they come up with another type problem that is not cheating again? Bruce and Denise, Emmett and Simone, Angelo and Lana, Noah and Daphne, Coto and Parker, Kathryn and Coto and Ty and Aida (although not real cheating, they were still showed to us, the viewers, who still had to watch them anyway) (almost Daphne and Campbell) now John and Jennice? We know cheating is part of life, but too many of the same thing some times gets tiring.

It was great to see Bay how serious Bay is about her college application. So much that she had to swallow the biggest frog in her world so she could stand up from the crowd. Lucky her, that her coach allowed her to have a chance to prove how serious she was, not everyone get to have a 2nd chance to prove her/his value and seriousness.

I'm not going to comment a lot on the Toby and Nikki situation, it seems a little to early to make up our mind, but it surely is not heading that good. Nikki always seemed to be a more down to earth person than Toby, yet she was afraid or simply disregarding to tell Toby how she felt about staying in Peru for a little longer. Where is the "just married" fire that most of the recent married couples always shared? Again, there is still a lot to see how that will unfold too, so let's hope it goes well.

To summarize, this episode left a lot of questions unanswered but it definitely get the viewers to talk about them and kept the expectations for the following episodes just like every good, well written show!

Here it the promo for episode 6 (next monday)

Time to re-watch last Monday's episode. If you do not have abcfamily app or dvr or hulu, you can try this link: http://tv-series.me/switched-at-birth-s3e5-have-you-really-the-courage/ We do NOT endorse or support the website or its content and strongly advise you to get your abcfamily app or register with a secure website endorsed by ABC Channel.

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