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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Oh, Future!

I always try to stay away from reviews before I write this so I don’t get influenced and just write my own thoughts and opinions here, but when Lizzy Weiss RT one review, I couldn’t resist to read what was so important for her to RT. Bad choice, it was a review that, now I feel I may be repeating it a little. As the story of this episode goes, I didn’t see anything really related to the “future” but a big identity crisis along with how much the family values and up bringing among ALL the characters can and will make your character and your identity as a person.

Before I get tot the characters, I need to say, I LOVE when the Deaf actors talk with their voice, Travis and Emmett(whispering) was just so sweet. To complement that we also saw Mr. Derrick Coleman, who didn’t even sign. For those who doesn’t know, Mr. Coleman was not raised with ASL signers and does not sign. He reads lips and speak normally. One more example of some many different types of Deaf people. Mr. Coleman is also an example of how the family and the way they raise their kids influence on who they are as an adult; no ASL, completely oral, football superstar.

Taking the wave of Coleman, as we see how much Travis likes him, we find out that Travis could have been the same as Coleman, if he had a family that would support him as much as Coleman’s family (or the story said his mom) supported him. Travis could have been a superstar soccer player if his mom wouldn't put him down all the time. We knew from back on season 1 that Travis always had problems with his family, and in this episode the writers touched on that again. If you remember well, Travis used to be mean and aggressive while living with his parents who treated him badly, now living with Melody, being treated as equal and even more, being supported and pushed to become a better person, he is now one of Emmett’s best friend, John’s right arm at work as well as Toby’s, a sweet boyfriend and have great attitude among all the people (most of the time).

Daphne on her identity crisis trying to prove she is Latina, also came to understand how the skin color still can define a person in today’s society. I was happy that Daphne withdrew the application, she obviously would not win, but it was good to see she understood why and felt even better by really giving a chance to whom really deserve the grant for the fight they have in their daily life. The story of losing the scholarship for not being discriminated as a Latina as gave her the strength to embrace again her real identity as Deaf, as Vasquez and as Kennish as well. She knows who she is, how she is and where she belongs. She learned the values of being Deaf and a Vasquez when raised by Regina, showing again, her character and identity was built on how she was raised.

Regina and her values also got her winded up questioning her own character as a mother to Daphne. Her values on who she was as a Latina and what parenting is are all noble, but being scared or worried to lose a loved one for another parents because of financial condition made her believe that she was not enough for Daphne as a mother. Luckily, as she taught Daphne well and built her with good values as well, Daphne didn't see the same way as Regina, making her doubts and fear go away and trusting herself again as the person she is.

Sarah Lazar, who was always portrayed as the arch-rival of Kathryn Kennish, turn out to be the best thing in the world for Kathryn. She not only gave Kathryn the confidence to embrace her writer’s identity(character) but also gave her the relief about the rumors between John and Sarah, showing once more what kind of character John has.

What I liked most on this episode is how much Bay and Emmett relationship is so mature and for a change Bay is the one giving the support to Emmett. It felt really weird when Debbie asked Bay to keep the secret of the baby from Emmett, it just happens like a flashback when Olivia asked Bay to keep a secret about the weeds from Melody. I was expecting another big fight like the one on season 1 episode 20, but I was glad that even though she didn’t get the chance to tell him, she had the intention to do so, that just shows she changed in the way on how to deal with secrets to Emmett. NO MORE SECRETS between them. Emmett’s identity crisis on how to fit in his dad’s new life and family was washed away the minute Bay told him about when she had her identity crisis in the beginning of the series. He went through it with her, he knew how she felt and what came out of it, just now the roles were inverted.  We see really clearly that Emmett understood where he fit in his dad, his mom and Bay’s life on the very last scene when he decided to gather his toys to give to his new unborn brother. No fear, no doubts, no questions about who he is, what he is doing, where he is going. He is a son of 2 caring parents, boyfriend of a lovely girl who he loves the most in the world and a future big brother to a great kid.

The episode has been described as the best of the season yet, let’s see what else the writers and producers have for us.

I have to admit that the very last scene without caption was a little disappointing, but we all surely did get the message, Emmett was not giving away his toys that easily. Another part I did not understand much is how can Sharee be so good in ASL when this is suppose to be only a few months after she started the school, do we have another “prodigy Jace” in town?

On my last note, I have to say that the first 3 episodes of this season section were very good, it does seem that the writers and producers are going back to basics, but I also noticed that in all 3 of them, one of the main story plots is involving Emmett. Zap2it.com once mentioned that “Switched at Birth was a mediocre show that became great television when the writers turned more focus on Emmett’s story” (http://www.zap2it.com/photos/zap-underrated-tv-stars-of-2011-pictures?index=4in the beginning of the series back in 2011, again, the basics. We see that every time the SAB Facebook page post anything of Sean Berdy(Emmett) or Bemmett it gets the most amount of “Likes” as well as Tweets on Twitter(of course) gets more MT and RT. The rates are not that up again yet, but it does seem like the writers and producers found where the pot of gold is…Emmett stories. Sean Berdy is an amazing actor and captivates the American hearts, both hearing and Deaf. Emmett stories are real, some times funny and innocents, but for sure all are heartwarming and lovable to the viewers' eyes. Bring it on!!

Here it the promo for episode 15 (next monday)

Time to re-watch last Monday's episode. If you do not have ABCFamily app or dvr or hulu or iTunes, you can try this link: http://www.zzstream.li/2014/07/switched-at-birth-s3-e14.html We do NOT endorse or support the website or its content and strongly advise you to get your ABCFamily app or register with a secure website endorsed by ABC Channel.

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